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Materialise Magics Products

Item number 2301

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All yearly licenses are available as single or floating versions. The single version is tied to one person, while the floating version can be used by multiple users in turn.

Product overview:

  1. Magics RP

Magics RP offers specialized functions for optimizing the 3D printing process, from data preparation to building platform organization.


  • Import & Export: Support for common mesh-based and CAD formats.
  • Repair: Automatic and manual tools for error correction and printability optimization.
  • Editing: Adaptation of CAD and mesh designs with tools such as offset, fillet and cut.
  • Build preparation: placement and orientation of components on customizable machine platforms.
  • Analysis: measurement and testing tools to ensure print quality and component placement.
  • Reports: creation of individual offers and reports with export to Excel or Word.


  1. SG+ Support Generation Metal Module

The metal module for support generation (SG+) optimizes the 3D printing process with a versatile toolbox. Customizable solid and non-solid structures improve support function and heat transfer, reducing warping and delamination. Perforated support structures also facilitate powder recovery and increase part quality.


  • Customizable parameters for different support types
  • Non-solid supports in different geometries
  • Fixed structures such as cone supports and tree supports for heat transfer
  • Interactive adjustment of angle and scale
  • Automatic positioning through the transfer support function


  1. One Click Metal NxG Build Processor

The build processor enables precise transfer of part data to the One Click Metal MPRINT and optimizes the printing process. For machines without a dedicated build processor, the slice module offers export in.slc and.cli formats.

Key features:

  • Optimization of process parameters
  • Integration into workflows
  • Efficient data processing
  • Communication of printing information
  • Monitoring of machinery


  1. One Click Metal Package

Includes the complete software package with Magics RP, SG+ Support Generation Metal Module and One Click Metal NxG Build Processor – the solution for new customers who want to use Materialise Magics tools for the first time.


Software Download & Installation: After a successful order, you will receive the license code (CCKey) by email with instructions on how to install the software.

Materialise offers free training to get you started – for more information click here.

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